Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Stars and Bars

   A major cause of controversy among Americans is the continued displaying of the confederate flag in Southern states.  The flag is seen on cars, outside of homes and on t-shirts. The General Lee from the famous show "The Dukes of Hazard" features a huge flag painted on the top of the car. Why, over 150 years after the Civil War, do Southerners still feel the need to fly the Stars and Bars?  I would argue that the reason that Southerns still display the flag is often misunderstood.  It is not a show of continued rebellion or encouragement of slavery, but rather a signal of pride in the ideals of the old South. Of course, there are exceptions and unfortunately, sometimes the flag is flown in racism. However, this is not the norm.  
    Again, so much of the South is misunderstood, including its ideals.  More times than not, students in grade schools are taught that the South seceded from the Union as a result of wanting to keep their slaves.  This is horribly incorrect however, and this unfortunate idea harbors hate of Southerners from others in America.  If you happen to be one of these people who believe the Civil War was caused by slavery, take heart. You're not alone. However, you are wrong. 
    While slavery was in fact a major issue at the time, some had already accepted the idea that slavery was on its way out. The Southern states were more concerned that the federal government was absorbing more power than was within its constitutional bounds. These people loved freedom. They represented an ideal that America was founded on- the rights of states outweighing the federal government's rights. They succeeded from the American government, but they never lost the American ideal of freedom. 
   So if you see a Confederate flag flying, instead of seeing it as a symbol of never-ending hate against African-Americans, see it as a representation of freedom. While I can absolutely understand why many say "the war is over already" and we should just "put the past behind us," the American belief in freedom should never be left behind, and that is what the flag represents. There will always be wars on freedom and if the Revolutionary and Civil Wars should be forgotten, the American ideal of freedom will be forgotten as well. 

1 comment:

  1. Your blog always turns out really interesting. I don't agree with people who get offended over the Confederate flag. I think it might just be something people can freak out over. You didn't really address how usually, people who sport the Confederate flag often also need a history lesson. Also, what is the meaning of the common phrases on those shirts/ flags, "The South will rise again" ?
