Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Southern Gentleman

    Traditional gender roles have been consistently challenged throughout the past hundred years as women’s rights, education, and work opportunities have balanced out with men.  Women now are gaining higher education than men and striving for the top jobs that 60 years ago would have been denied them. So basically now, women feel power. They consider themselves equal to men and get angry when anyone tells them they are not in fact, equal. Men have taken a massive hit with the “power to the women” movement. Now that women are replacing men at the top of the corporate ladder, there are fewer and fewer men who share the same status as these smart girls. Men can now afford to be slackers and players because since women want to have relationships, they compromise their standards on men in order to do so. These women now view men with a suspicious eye. They assume the worst because they have allowed themselves to be burned by others.   It’s given guys a bad name, and women right along with them. However, there are respectable men still out there, and I've found a lot of them fit into the Southern Gentlemen category.
    A southern gentleman is a respectable guy. He was raised up on love, dirt, honor and Jesus. He is noble and strong, but also humble and kind. This means he eats whatever his host puts in front of him, stops to help a lady replace her flat tire, and always keeps his word.  Kind of like in that Ford truck commercial, he’s just the all-around man’s man and the substance of women’s dreams. If this sounds like just a regular good guy and not necessarily a southern gentleman, you’re wrong. While you can sometimes find gentlemen in cities, they are few and far between.  This is because southern gentlemen (though they can be from country areas in the North) were born in rural areas.  Because they were raised in the country, they are content with what they have, though this does not make them slackers, lazy or unambitious. They have just learned to find joy in the little things.  They have appreciation for a sunrise and sunset because they slower pace in the country have allowed them to notice and enjoy these things. You also know he’s from the country, and often a small town, because of his attention to reputation, family and loyalty. Since in the country most everyone knows everyone, family name is important.  You may take a swing at him, but not at the ones he loves.  At least for me, this is the ultimate guy. Since I have friends whom I consider southern gentlemen, it has been easy for me to learn what to look for in a guy, and that girls do not have to and should not simply settle for less than they deserve in a man.


Cazier, Jack.A Guide To Being A Southern Gentleman.8/28/13.

Vaughn, Jackson.The Southern Gentleman. 8/29/13.


  1. I don't think men have taken a hit as women gain power in the world. But I do think that good men are still out there. That picture makes me vaguely uncomfortable because that guy's feet are front and center. I do see girls everyday who dream about a Southern Gentlemen and they certainly do still exist.

  2. I agree with your comment about women getting angry when guys make comments. I feel like they're jealous because they're no longer the ONLY source of income so they don't have control! Everyone wants a Southern Gentleman! I can honestly say I do!
